Flowsys III for Cyanide Analysis

  1. Accredited to ISO 17025-DWTS
    This method is accredited to ISO 17025-DWTS and it is in routine operation. The analysis of total cyanide in drinking water is required under The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2018. Total cyanide in drinking water cannot exceed the value of 50 ug/L, its prescribed concentration or value  
  2. Optimal Sensitivity and Recovery
    The method has a working range of 0-60 ug/L, and a limit of quantification of 6.5 ug/L. The mean-spike recovery for various water types, soft and hard water as well as ground and surface water, is of 100.4%.  
  3. Sodium Thiosulfate Bias Eliminated
    Focused on creating a laboratory method that allowed for the use of Thiosulfate as the dechlorinating agent of choice. 
  4. Easy to Operate, Time saving Analyser
    The Systea® analyser is based on segmented flow injection with in-line UV digestion module and amperometric detection. Timesaving start up and Calibration preparation Automation.
     and samples can run concurrently 

Let Me Introduce the Flowsys III for Cyanide Analysis

Under 2 Minute Shorts!

We at Lab Solutions would love to explain how to analyse low level Potable, or Pure water, Wastewater for Total, Weak Acid Dissociable or WAD and free Cyanide via a number of Short Videos - Hope you find them informative?

What Are The Benefits?

Systea Flowsys III Cyanide Analyser Key Benefits

The Flowsys is a compact, easy to use continuous flow analyser, that meets the needs of the modern technician.

Why Does Your Laboratory Need The Flowsys III?

'Every laboratory needs great after care support to help resolve technical issues and application'

We at Lab Solutions supply fully accredited methods for Total Cyanide by Segmented Flow Injection Analysis, In-Line Ultraviolet Digestion and Amperometric Detection

Key Features

Key Features of the Systea FlowSys III

This short illustrates the important features the Systea Flowsys III has to offer for the Modern, multi-tasking Analyst.